The Art of Neutrality: How to Shift Negative Self-Talk Without Forcing Positivity- boudoir photography nc
Self Love Coaching, Boudoir, Empowerment Boudoir Kimberly Angel W. Self Love Coaching, Boudoir, Empowerment Boudoir Kimberly Angel W.

The Art of Neutrality: How to Shift Negative Self-Talk Without Forcing Positivity- boudoir photography nc

Neutrality is about finding a middle ground between negativity and forced optimism. It gives you space to be realistic while allowing room for growth, without pressuring yourself into feeling aggressive positivity. By embracing neutrality, you acknowledge your current emotions and circumstances without judgment, making it easier to navigate challenges without becoming overwhelmed. Instead of feeling like you must immediately adopt a positive mindset, you give yourself permission to move at a pace that feels natural. This approach fosters self-compassion and resilience, as it allows for gradual progress without the fear of failure or self-criticism.

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Peace and blessings manifest with every lesson learned- Empowerment Boudoir- Nine19 Photography Raleigh NC
Empowerment Boudoir Kimberly Angel W. Empowerment Boudoir Kimberly Angel W.

Peace and blessings manifest with every lesson learned- Empowerment Boudoir- Nine19 Photography Raleigh NC

There is something to be said about being unapologetically yourself! Showing up open, vulnerable, and as you are is so important to boudoir. If you can show up as an honest version of you, then you can reach a level of self love that you never imagined in such a short period of time. Of course this can be scary, but you have to trust yourself, your instincts, and the person you have chosen to guide you on your boudoir journey!

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There is an old cliche under your Monet, baby Remember the arch of roses right above your couch?- Self Love Boudoir- Nine19 Photography RALEIGH NC
Empowerment Boudoir Kimberly Angel W. Empowerment Boudoir Kimberly Angel W.

There is an old cliche under your Monet, baby Remember the arch of roses right above your couch?- Self Love Boudoir- Nine19 Photography RALEIGH NC

At every session I give clients a rundown of whats about to happen. One of the things I always say is to not worry about laughing during the session because laughter is sexy too! Besides, getting half way naked in front of someone who is essentially a stranger while they snap portraits of you can feel awkward at first, so I would rather you laugh through your session than to force vixen face, when its not needed!

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If You Don't Jump to Put Jeans on Baby, You Don't Feel My Pain- Self Confidence Boudoir- Nine19 Photography Raleigh NC

If You Don't Jump to Put Jeans on Baby, You Don't Feel My Pain- Self Confidence Boudoir- Nine19 Photography Raleigh NC

NEW ENERGY, WHO DIS?! Yo girl is truly happy and living her best damn life! I truly strive to make sure my clients feel this happy during their boudoir session with me! I always joke that out of all the boudoir sessions that I have done, I can count on one hand and a finger how many of my clients walked in vixens, the rest of us are awkward, nervous, and goofy. It’s just true and there is nothing wrong with that, because a smile is just as sexy as a smize! As cousin Jhene says, Happiness over everything, it’s the phrase that I am living by these days. If it doesn’t suit my life and bring me happiness, then it’s not worth keeping around. Life is too short to not be happy!

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I Could Dance like Michael Jackson, I Could Give You Satisfaction- Celebratory Boudoir- In Studio Nine19 Photography Raleigh NC

I Could Dance like Michael Jackson, I Could Give You Satisfaction- Celebratory Boudoir- In Studio Nine19 Photography Raleigh NC

Yes! I love love love confident women who know their worth! This gorgeous lady came in ready to work and work she did! She held back nothing in showing how much she loved herself, inside and out. Coming to Nine19 Photography’s studio in Downtown Raleigh, she put her cheek bones on high and showed us what Shakespeare meant when he wrote, “And though she be but little, she is fierce”. I loved working with this gorgeous lady and the most amazing stylist Amanda Rose… I mean seriously, look at that highlight #FIERCE.

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Common Love Isn't For Us, We Created Something Phenomenal Don't You Agree?- Birthday Boudoir- Nine19 Photography Raleigh NC

Common Love Isn't For Us, We Created Something Phenomenal Don't You Agree?- Birthday Boudoir- Nine19 Photography Raleigh NC

Another strong, kind, and brilliant client! These women come into my studio in Downtown Raleigh NC, knowing their self-worth and inspiring the shit out of me and this woman was no different! Seeing how much she loves herself was just so uplifting! Its also amazing that she didn’t take herself too seriously and enjoyed every moment of her session! We had such a great time, laughing, playing with different looks, and killing the sexiest of poses!

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Out Here Actin' Foolish, Like I'm Seventeen I Just Bought a New Whip, Don't Need Gasoline- Self Empowerment Boudoir -In Studio Nine19 Photography Raleigh NC

Out Here Actin' Foolish, Like I'm Seventeen I Just Bought a New Whip, Don't Need Gasoline- Self Empowerment Boudoir -In Studio Nine19 Photography Raleigh NC

OOOOWEEEEE, if you are in the middle of checking your temp and its a little high, its not Corona, its these damn portraits! When I tell you this woman put in work, she put in damn work! This gorgeous mother, medical professional, and all around badass came in studio here in Raleigh NC and rocked her session! Her infectious energy was only outshined by her super sweet personality and attitude! My clients are constantly surprising me with how genuine they are and how willing they are to be vulnerable during these intimate sessions! The Super Woman that walked into my studio, walked out even stronger, confident, so incredibly proud of herself!

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'Cause My Heart Belongs to You, I'll Risk It All For You- Self Love Boudoir- In Studio Nine19 Photography Raleigh NC

'Cause My Heart Belongs to You, I'll Risk It All For You- Self Love Boudoir- In Studio Nine19 Photography Raleigh NC

I love when a client does a session to celebrate herself and the woman she is becoming! Growth is so important, we change regardless of how much we want to, so it’s best to embrace it. Thats what this amazing woman is doing, embracing life to it’s fullest! It was a pleasure having her in my studio and personal space. She is so kind hearted and so sweet, so it was fun watching her come out of her shell and show off that sensual goddess she had hiding in her too!

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Women of Color and Boudoir: Why We are Worth It- Self Empowerment Boudoir- Nine19 Photography Raleigh NC

Women of Color and Boudoir: Why We are Worth It- Self Empowerment Boudoir- Nine19 Photography Raleigh NC

Boudoir... I found myself repeating the word over and over again as if the definition in Websters Dictionary was going to change. I couldn't believe that I was about to do a BOUDOIR photoshoot. I felt a wave of emotions! I immediately thought to myself, "what would people say? Maybe I should hit the gym a few extra times this week... What would my mother say?!" I was nervous and excited but boudoir just felt like a "dirty" word. I researched the definition, "a French word meaning a lady's private dressing room or bedroom." Is that why it felt so dirty? Was it the word 'private' dressing room or bedroom that made it feel so risqué? Yet, when I am alone in my bedroom playing dress up in the mirror wearing my favorite lingerie or hoodie is when I feel the best, it's when I feel the sexiest, the prettiest... the most comfortable. Then it clicked! Boudoir wasn't about dressing up in sexy lingerie... It was more about feeling empowered, loving the skin that you're in, and body positivity.

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I Won't Never Sell My Soul, and I Can Back That and I Really Wanna Know, Where You At?- Self Love Boudoir- In Studio Nine19 Photography- Raleigh NC

I Won't Never Sell My Soul, and I Can Back That and I Really Wanna Know, Where You At?- Self Love Boudoir- In Studio Nine19 Photography- Raleigh NC

This client is by far one of the most hard working and brilliant women I have ever gotten to work with. She is in the middle of a season of self discovery and self love, so to have her reach out to me to be apart of this moment with her, I jumped at the opportunity! Women, especially Women of Color battle with ideas of being “worthy” of love by fighting their natural sexual urges thanks to outside influences and societal norms. We have to be worth marrying or loving, by saying we are “pure” without needing to expect the same of our partners and counterparts. With society’s idea changing on how women’s sexual desires are accepted we get the opportunity to grow OPENLY (because we were doing this with or without acceptance) into complete human beings.

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Allow Me to Re-introduce Myself... - 2020 A Clear View- Celebratory Boudoir- Raleigh NC

Allow Me to Re-introduce Myself... - 2020 A Clear View- Celebratory Boudoir- Raleigh NC

…My name is KIM, K to the I M haha, YAS I’m BACK! After a tumultuous year ending a toxic marriage, moving, and just fucking surviving, I am stoked to feel happy and like myself again! No longer in survival mode, I am thriving and it feels amazing! I was going to spend this entire blog spilling tea and ruining lives (I’m a Virgo, don’t judge me) but why waste my time, your time, and these amazing portraits talking about people who don’t really matter anymore? My name is Kimberly Angel, nothing more and nothing less. Y’all, it feels so good to be back!

Speaking of these amazing portraits, I teamed up with the incredible John Kornegay Photography to create some serious magic at GoodVibes Studio in Apex NC!

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All's Well That Ends Well to End Up with You, Swear to Be Overdramatic and True- Anniversary Boudoir- In Studio Nine19 Photography- Raleigh NC

All's Well That Ends Well to End Up with You, Swear to Be Overdramatic and True- Anniversary Boudoir- In Studio Nine19 Photography- Raleigh NC

Straight. Fire. That is what this session is. Pixie hair cut, corsets, thigh highs, and custom jewelry YAS WOMAN! I love a client who isn’t afraid to step out of her comfort zone! She brought realness to my studio and to her session. A sweet down home girl turned sultry vixen, this woman is EVERYTHING. Again, STRAIGHT FIRE.

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Baby How You Feelin'? Feeling Good as Hell- The Non-Bridal Bridal Boudoir- In Studio Nine19 Photography- Raleigh NC

Baby How You Feelin'? Feeling Good as Hell- The Non-Bridal Bridal Boudoir- In Studio Nine19 Photography- Raleigh NC

This brilliant dancer came into my new spot and BLEW THE PLACE UP! Her quiet confidence just melts out of these portraits! She has poise and grace that most women wish they didn’t have to work for, me included! She rocked her body, colors that popped on her skin, and a refinement that may never be matched (anyone accept that challenge?!) I have said this so many times, but I seriously don’t know how I got so lucky to have such wonderful clients!

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