New Mommy, Same Sexy- New Mom Boudoir- In Studio Boudoir at Nine19 Photography- Raleigh NC

If you follow any of my work, you know I am not shy about pushing out (you see what I did there?) as many maternity boudoir sessions as possible, but what about the mamas after they have their little nuggets. Well, let me introduce to you new mommy boudoir. Somewhere between being pregnant, having a baby, and then all the things that come with keeping said little human alive, a women can lose that feeling of “sexy'“. Let me tell you about how to find it! This AMAZING woman just had her little nugget a month and some change before this session (I know, she looks stellar, right?!). I don’t believe that her prerogative was to be reminded of how gorgeous she is, it was to surprise her sweet hubby, but in the process, she’s realized that even after recently having the most adorable baby on the planet, she was still the stunning woman that won his affection. This happened kind of inadvertently but, she rocked it and I love it. I am so happy this lady came into my studio when she did <3
Yes, you can be a mom and wife, but still have your autonomy. You can take care of them, love them, keep them alive and still be a sensual goddess. If you need to be reminded of how much of a bombshell you are, reach out by clicking the button on the bottom of this blog and be sure to leave this mama some love in the comment section!

“Being confident in your own skin is very sexy. I think when you have fun and are yourself that is sexy too.”

If you need to be reminded of your sexy post baby or just in general, reach out to me. I’d love to hear more about your vision for your boudoir session!