What to expect during a Boudoir Session- Raleigh, NC Photography with Kimberly Rhoades
I have several inquiries a month about my boudoir/romance sessions and they include, understandably, a ton of questions, ranging from privacy to what to wear, so I thought to myself "why not blog about it?!". The following are real life questions from real life clients about what to expect from a Romance Session with Nine19 Photography!

1) How does it all work?
This question is my favorite because its so open ended. Most of my clients are women who are getting married and are wanting to surprise their future partners, women who are needing a lift in spirits and self esteem, or want to prove to their partners they "still got it!". We spend a lot of time prepping for these types of sessions. When booking with Nine19, you are given a personal stylist to help you with outfits, hair and makeup, and just general styling to figure out what you want to come out of this session. From there we figure out the perfect location, date and time. The day comes and you show up ready to rock it... eventually, haha. We time everything so that you have time to warm up, by our last look, I promise, you will feel like the vixen you really are! I take a few days to edit, you receive a proofing gallery with a password, you order all the product, and I have it hand delivered or mailed to you (and your partner, if you wish)! The last step is sitting around and blowing your own mind or hearing your partner gush over how amazing you look!

2) I want to do this, but I am not in my best shape. Should I wait until I lose weight/ tone up?
I want all of my clients to feel like a million bucks, but I am also realistic. As a lifestyle photographer, it is my job to capture you how you are, but also to make sure you look good. If you ask me, there is no time like the present and those imperfections that you are so worried about, will be the last thing on your mind when you see the finished product. Posing is important and we will use it to our advantage. I will do light smoothing in post production, but you will still LOOK like you. If you think you will feel better about yourself in a year, I think you should do the session now and surprise yourself! Besides, we can do another session next year too!

3) Can you photoshop out my stretch marks and scars?
I can or if I cant I can outsource to someone who can (at an additional cost), but why not embrace those things that make you uniquely you? As humans, our skin is their to protect us but also to move and grow as we develop and change through life. We all have these marks, some of us can hide them better than others, but it shouldn't be something that we should be ashamed of. If you are a mom and your baby left you with marks, guess what, thats awesome! You made a baby and those are there as proof! Your partner, the person who knows you best intimately, knows you have them and would probably find it confusing that your portraits don't reflect that. As a photographer, I promise to be understanding but also uplifting. This could be the thing you need to feel amazing in the skin you are in.

4) What if I feel more comfortable having someone I know there?
Lets do it! If you would rather have your bestie there to help you through the session, I dont mind one bit! It's also helpful to have an extra set of hands on set. I only have two rules and they must be followed: They have to be positive and no cameras.

5) What if I want my partner there?
Yes! The same rules apply here as they do in question #4. There are couples Romance sessions too! You and your partner, cuddling and being romantic (we would keep it pg-13) would make for an epic session and something unique to show how much you love each other! A great idea for anniversaries!

6) I dont want anyone there, is that possible?
ABSOLUTELY! The expectation is that the Romance Session would consist of me and my client, no one else, unless it is explicitly requested by the client that someone else attends. This is a private session and I am serious about protecting my clients and their privacy.

7) Speaking of privacy, do you post/share these?
When you sign your contract, you will notice a section that says that I own the rights to the portraits and can use them as I wish. You will also see a model release. This is to protect my business as a whole, but because I treat my clients with respect, I will not post any portraits if you are uncomfortable with the idea. I am respectful of your privacy. If you are comfortable with me sharing your portraits, I always share with you the ones I would like to post FIRST to get the okay. If you say no, I don't share them. I also don't share anything that is extremely risque´ as to not make the audience uncomfortable. Some of my most modest clients will allow for pictures that don't show their faces or distinguishable body marks, like tattoos. Ultimately, what do I have to gain from a client who is upset because I shared intimate portraits of them to the world, that they didn't say was okay to share? NOTHING.

8) HALP! What do I do with my hair? Makeup?
Hair and makeup are included in the package! And I only work with some of the best stylist in the Burlington or Raleigh area. If you choose to opt out of hair and makeup, then I have a couple of tips. Hair down and flowing is fun for these sessions so you can whip it around and toss it up. If you are wearing your hair natural, then lets run with it! You love extensions? Get some! Whatever way you feel the sexiest is the way you should wear your hair! Makeup should look like you are going on the HOTTEST of dates on a Saturday night.

9) Where the hell do you do a boudoir session?
I prefer the comfort of your home. We take down any wall hangings and I bring a white duvet and a couple of blankets to set the mood. All I need is a lot of light to make magic, so windows are a must. If you are a little weird about shooting out of your home or there is a lack of privacy, we can do a studio rental and I've had clients rent an Airbnb or vacation rental and use the space that night as a surprise staycation with their partner or friends. And lets talk about shooting outdoors, yes it can be done and yes it should be done! Whats better than feeling like Mother Earth Goddess herself? Nothing.

10) I just don't feel beautiful. Why should someone like me ever do a session like this?
All of my clients are normal women, just like you. I promise. I know that they look like models, but thats because they showed up to their sessions and after an hours or so let their guard down and we worked together to capture magic. My ideal client is one who is feeling a little unsure of herself. Literally, my favorite thing about doing these sessions is seeing a woman blossom in just a few hours. I promise, that I will do EVERYTHING I can to make sure you feel comfortable and safe. I will coach you and lift you up. If at any point a client feels uncomfortable, we stop and slow down. We keep the lines of communication open and talk through every part of the session as it is happening. I am very vocal and if we are trying a pose or an outfit and its not working, we just stop and switch it up. I get it, its not easy to look in the mirror everyday and say "wow, you are beautiful" but the one thing photography has taught me is sometimes, you need to see yourself through the lens of someone else. Why should you do a session like this? Because you are beautiful, you are perfect, you are amazing, you are fun, you are youthful and you will never be as ready to do something like this as you are at this very moment, reading this sentence. Let's do this! Let me help you feel like the goddess you truly are!

If you want to learn more about my boudoir package, click THIS!
If you are ready to book your boudoir session, Click HERE!
To see my most recent boudoir session Click --------> THAT!